Jay West

Flavor Recordings / Candy Music

アルゼンチン、ロサリオ生まれのDJ/プロデュ-サー。アンダーグランドハウスレーベルであるFlavor Recordings/Candy Music主宰。これまで、DropMusic,GuestHouse,So Soundといった第三世代シカゴを代表するレーベルからリリースを重ねる。2006年にMatt Shrewdと共に設立したFlavorはKinky Movement、TheLittlemen, Toka Projectといったアーティストをフューチャー、アンダーグランドかつファンキーなハウスサウンドを世に送り出した。Flavorのトラック群はHernanCattaneoからMark Farinaまで数々のビックネームにプレイされ、シーンへの存在感を大きくアピールしている。他方、Candy Musicではディープでありがちなディスコフレイバーなサウンドを追求、よりフロアライクなファンキーミュージックは多くのDJにスピンされている。ワールドツアーでの活躍も目覚しいJay Westは、今最も注目すべき次世代プロデュ-サーの一人である。

Born in Rosario, Argentina, and president of Flavor Recording/Candy Music.His tracks have released from head labels of “third-wave” chicago housemusic such as Drop Music, GuestHouse, So Sound. He started Flavor Recordingjoining Matt Shrewd in 2006. Flavor has grown to be synonymous of funkyunderground house and has featured some of the most important artists of thescene today like Kinky Movement, the Littlemen, and Toka Project. His tracksalso have been used by variety of mainstream DJs from Hernan Cattaneo toMark Farina. They have all used his flavor to rock their dance floors. Healso started his own solo imprint in 2008, Candy Music which will featuredisco-infused, deep, tech and always groovy beats oriented to move dancefloors all over the globe, and its music is being favored by many DJs.This established DJ and producer has been touring the globe and playing foryears with no sign of stopping. He is one of the most spotlighted producersfor next generation.