
Timothy Really / Organza

Born in Kyoto, grew up in Osaka and Tokyo, Japan. Determined to be a DJ with his brother, after being overwhelmed by the psychedelic rave movement in late 90’s in Japan, which lead him to the deeper spiritual world.Accumulated his career on the music industry, working as a buyer for the defunct legendary vinyl store “Wizard Records” in Shibuya, Tokyo until 2005, made him to participate with many important parties and scene there.In 2008, he joined “Timothy Really Production” a Tokyo based dance music label, booking management, event planner and art direction and in 2010, started a sound installation project called “Swing Chariot”, did a showcase at the former office building of the French embassy and achieved a great success.This year, he has moved his base in Bali island and is aiming a chance to expand his field to South-East Asia area. His sound is more about techno and house sublimed from hypnotic minimal sound and is capable of controlling the story with wide and deep latitude, evolving to bassy addictive world. Once you turn on with his magic, you will readily be tuned in and cannot drop out from the floor and long music journey.


京都出身大阪育ち。1999年サイケデリックレイヴカルチャーに感銘を受け音楽が導く計り知れない精神世界を超現実的に体験し実の弟と共にDJとしての活 動を志す。今は無きヴァイナルショップ Wizard Records のバイヤーを2005年まで担い、その役割と経験をも最大限に活かし数々のパーティーでプレイを披露し続け現在に至る。そして2008年よりミュージック レーベル、ブッキングマネージメント、イベントプランニング、アートディレクション等を展開するプロジェクトTimothy Really Production に所属。ミニマルを通過したテクノ・ハウスを軸としワイドレンジな選曲にロウコントラストな展開で中毒性の高い世界観へと誘い込むプレイスタイル。そのマジカルグルーヴを是非ダンスフロアーで体感して頂きたい。