
Deep Dish

イラン、テヘラン生まれ。≪Yoshitoshi Recordings≫主催。1985年にアメリカ、ワシントンDCに移住。その後、Ali "Dubfire" Shirazinia と出会い、Deep Dishという名でDJ/プロデューサーユニットを開始。

Deep Dish名義で発売した2枚のアルバム、『Junk Science』、『George Is On』は、世界的大ヒットを飛ばし、Madonna、The Rolling Stones 、Justin Timberlake、Janet Jackson等の著名アーティストのリミックスを手掛け、アンダーグラウンド・シーンだけではなく、メジャーにまで多大なインパクトを与えるアーティストとなった。

DJとしても、毎年開催される砂漠での音楽・アートフェスティバル、【バーニングマン】にて数千人の前でパフォーマンスを行った他、世界中の有力クラブにてその実力を実証している。ダンスミュージック・ファンは、彼の秀逸なDJ選曲とミックス・テクニックに魅了され、クラブに行かない音楽ファンは Sharamを素晴らしい音楽プロデューサーとして認知しているに違いない。

2008年より、ソロ活動を開始。デビュー作として発売された、"PATT" (Party All The Time)は、イギリスのチャート、トップ10にランクイン。2009年には、アルバム『Get Wild』を発売。P.Diddy、Tommy Lee、Chuck D.等のメジャー・アーティストをフィーチャーしたこの意欲作は、固定概念を超えた新たなハウス・ミュージックのスタイルを提示し、大きな話題となった。

2010年には1970年モデルの[フォード・マスタング]車をイメージしたシングル・コレクション、Mach EPシリーズをリリースし、大きな話題となっている。


Sharam’s most recent effort, ‘Sharam Live at Warung Beach Brasil’ recordedlive at Warung, Brazil’s electronic ‘music temple’ stands as a testament toSharam’s dedication to educating while entertaining the masses without anymusical limitations. Not only was his head-turning 10-hour set a hit atWarung breaking the club’s all time attendance record, the set also formedthe basis of a prestigious Essential Mix in May 2011 on BBC Radio 1, withPete Tong describing Sharam “in devastating form.” Charting at #14 on theiTunes Dance chart the day after release along with an overwhelmingoutpour of praise from his fans proves his first compilation album in fiveyears was well worth the wait.

“If I'm not in the studio making music then I'm on iChat with other artistsgetting their new tracks, going through promo links, Beatport, I listen to itall! I consider it an essential part of my job - to stay updated and ahead ofthe curve. There's more amazing music than ever before and right now I'mreally into Sinisa Tamamovic, Pig & Dan and Paul Ritch from one side, andExcision, Flux Pavilion and Doctor P on the other side with everything else inbetween. I love soaking up the beats and am excited about what's next,that's what makes it all fun.”

One of the few dance acts who can effortlessly navigate between thenocturnal world of dance music with underground gems like “Crazi”, “Texi”and "Don't Say A Word" while scoring Top 20 hits internationally with “PATT(Party All The Time)” feat. Diddy, “The One” feat. Daniel Bedingfield, and “SheCame Along” with Kid Cudi. His desire to never be confined to one genre ofmusic has enabled him to constantly evolve and surprise people with hisproductions.

The success has continued this year with his Mach EP releases, which include"M.I.T.T.", an underground favorite featuring a powerful vocal hook fromShakira, and “Fun” a song written by Chris Martin of Coldplay.

The Grammy Award winning producer’s DJ sets exemplify the diversity of hisproduction skills. He can rock a marathon underground set as well aseffortlessly entertain a crowd of younger dance enthusiasts and VIPs inVegas, Miami and Ibiza without compromising his art as a forward thinkingDJ/Producer.

Already well known for his role as part of the legendary DJ duo Deep Dishwhich brought the world huge hits like "Flashdance" and "Say Hello", he isalso the driving force behind the renowned Yoshitoshi record label using itas a vehicle to promote newly discovered talent from around the world.

“As a DJ, there is no better experience and gratification than sharing yourlove of music. Whether it is with thousands at a festival, or in a packedsweaty club. It's all about the back and forth between you and the audience,where they inspire you, and you inspire them. Discovering and playing newmusic is a constant source of inspiration for me. It's also very instrumentalin shaping how I approach making music. Press loop, and that's how I'm ableto do what I do for all these years.“