Stop Making Sense


中心メンバーの石塚俊は早稲田大学にて演劇と映像学を専攻。在学中よりファッションブランド「TOKYO RIPPER」への参加や、グラフィックデザインの分野で活動を行う。


Stop Making Sense is a video performance group formed in Tokyo in 2008. They capture various events from daily life and their travels on videotapes and turn these recordings into installations and video art. These pieces feature abstract and geometric compositions that span out beyond the mirco-macro boundaries, and keeping any noise or errors from the output devices intact.

Shun Ishizuka, the core member of the group, majored in Theatre And Film Arts at Waseda University. He joined a young fashion brand named "TOKYO RIPPER" at the time and still continues with graphic design as well.