独善的なクラシックピアノとオールドスクールドビートとのアンサンブルの骨頂に辿り着くべく手を組んだKousuke Ishida a.k.a.Trioとピアノ先生、Yuka Kobayashiの二人組。
シカゴのレーベルMathematicsを皮切りに、FourRoses(Germany)、Rebirth(Italy)、BlackVinyl(UK)、 SmoothAgent(Chicago)、Nice and Smooth(Canada)、FuticSilver(Tokyo)からBoccaGrande、Trio名義でリリース、リミックス提供や数々のコンピレーションアルバムに収録される。
ニューヨーク、Tim Sweeneyの伝説のラジオ番組"Beats in Space"にてMotorCityDrumEnsembleによってプレイされたIntensive spot EPは大きな反響を獲得し、数々のアーティストがサポート。
またCafeDelMarのコンピレーションCD"Terrace Mix"に収録された。
そしてこの度イタリアのRebirthより、BoccaGrandeの1stアルバムLittle Pianistをリリース。シングルカットされたトラックをMorgan Geist(Metro Area)やLarry Heardらがリミックスを手がける。
Bocca Grande,they focus and marked by the piano blending in with electric sounds to the expression of music.
The duo consisted of house music producer Kousuke Ishida a.k.a Trio and former piano teacher Yuka Kobayashi compose distinctive sounds of Bocca Grande.
The classical piano, black music and Japanese understatement into the melancholia ambience and vibes as important what it is like weaving occident and orient,These are the main features of their compositions
They produced their own music and remixes for labels like Mathematics (Chicago), Four Roses (Germany),Rebirth(Italy), Smooth Agent(Chicago),Black Vinyl(UK),Nice and Smooth(Canada), Futic silver (Tokyo).
The tunes have been getting huge responses since releasing the one of composition,"Procedere" in the 1st vinyl from Mathematics and it was featured in Mercedes-Benz mixed tape 28.
"Procedere"is also ranked in the second of Mercedes-Benz mixed tape 01-35,over 350 tunes and including in the "Cafe del mar"compilation "Terrace mix".
As for "Intensive Spot EP"from Four Roses,it was played out by Motor City Drum Ensemble during his guest slot at Tim Sweeney's legendary "Beats in Space" into the radio show in New York.
Jun,2011,1st Album "Little Pianist"is released in Rebirth,Italy.