PRIMO@ever 青山(第1金曜)Martinica@新宿-音(第2金曜)
2009年3月リリース、城内宏信のオリジナルプロジェクト「PRIMO&THE GROUPE / A CHILD RUNS FREE」は、Gilles PetersonのRadio Show"WORLDWIDE"でもプレイされ、海外の著名レーベルオーナーからもライセンスオファーが届くなど国内外で話題に。コンピレーション 「Music For Jazz Dancers」(Freestyle Record)「Contemporary Jazz 」(Tramp Record) などにも収録され、著名DJたちもこぞってプレイリストに挙げるなど、国 内外のハードディガー達から高い評価を得た。待望の新作 “March Of The Goober Woobers e.p.” “Why He Had To Go e.p.” (Inc. Patchworks Remix) "SUN e.p."は、2010年冬より順次リリース。パーティ周辺の腕利きミュージシャンやオーディエンスを巻き込みながら、そのささやかな価値観を大きなうねりへと繋げるべくマイペースに活動中。また、フリーのアートディレクターとして、企業、個別クライアントのためのブランディング・アイデンティティ開発や、音楽・ファッション関連のアートディレクションなど幅広いフィールドで活躍中。その柔軟でノスタルジーを感じさせる感性が多くの場面で人々の共感を得ている。
Hironobu Jyounai is very very happening cat in Tokyo as a DJ, promoter, Art director and Primo & The Groupe.
Currently involved with numerous new music productions on his own label. The project "PRIMO & THE GROUPE" are PRIMO - Dj Primo Records Producer, Hironobu Jyounai - and the Groupe from one of jazz metropolis in the world, Tokyo. it starts as a project to spread the concept of jazz party "PRIMO" to more people.Hironobu has already had successful releases. "A Child Runs Free e.p" was featured on on Gilles Peterson World Wide, "Music For Jazzdancers"(Freestyle-UK), Contemporary Jazz"(Tramp-Ger) and had a great reaction from domestic and foreign hard diggers as ”Great dance track with a conscience!” In 2010, We've got Long-awaited new work "March Of The Goober Woobers e.p." Including Two of full energy ver. of highly rare jazz funk. About next work, "Why He Had To Go e.p." (Inc. Patchworks Remix) "SUN E.P." . Release is scheduled in the SPRING of 2011. About reissue work: The Japanese Primo-label has a nose for obscure jazz from the 70s. Primo did a splendid job and delivered these artefacts in nice jackets. Hironobu is currently the resident DJ for club ever in Aoyama, OTO in Shinjuku. We may follow his radio DJ proposal at monthly radioshow “Forever” on Shibuya FM 78.4MHz.