jumpjump tokyo/paris

Sazaはかれこれ十年以上パリの名だたるクラブ(Le Cabaret Sauvage, Le Rex Club, Le Batofar, Le Tryptique, La Java, Le Glazart, Le Nouveau Casino…)をAndy C, Dj Fresh, General Levy, Elisa Do Brasil, Zen等といったドラム&ベースの巨匠とともに制覇してきた。またフランスの最大級イベントプロモーターであるBlacklabelやNeo Pop Art crewとパリの夜を盛り上げてきた。

これまでWombやLe Baron, Velours, La Fabrique, AmraxにてJohn Lord Fonda, Myss, M.S.K, Dj Taar, Crystal, Keenhouse, Lenzman, Concord Dawn, Hilocoといった日本が誇るエレクトロ界の著名人とともに共演してきた。




Saza has been in the game for 10 years now. He has dj in the biggest clubs in Paris (Le Cabaret Sauvage, Le Rex Club, Le Batofar, Le Tryptique, La Java, Le Glazart, Le Nouveau Casino…) with the drum n bass headz (Andy C, Dj Fresh, General Levy, Elisa Do Brasil, Zen...). He has also promote parties with the biggest ?lectro promoters in France : the drum n bass shop Blacklabel. And the Neopopart crew that runs monthly parties in La Java.

Saza has now made Tokyo his new headquarter.
He has already organized lots of parties and dj in numerous clubs (Womb, Le Baron, Velours, La Fabrique, Amrax…) with big ?lectro names (John Lord Fonda, Myss, M.S.K, Dj Taar, Crystal, Keenhouse, Lenzman, Concord Dawn, Hiloco…). His music box contains lots of electro house, mashup and dubstep tracks.
Besides that, Saza is the founder of the unfamous blog : JUMP JUMP
( that shows electro parties around Tokyo. Saza is
spinning his time in parties, shooting all the best stuff and meeting nice
peaps. The story begins !