2004年よりキャリアをスタート。DJ、オーガナイザー、ブッキングマネージャー、レーベルA&R等、様々な角度からGOA SOUNDSを浸透させるアプローチを仕掛け、今や日本トランスシーンの中核を担う。オーガナイザーとしての手腕も発揮し、次世代が創るモンスターパーティ「Mind of Vision」の核であり、DJTSUYOSHIと共に日本発のNU GOA SOUNDSを世界へ発信しているGOA TRANCEレーベル「Matsuri Digital」を動かし,MASAとジャンルを超越したオリジナルGOAを追求するパーティ”Vortex”を主宰する。「Re:birth」「SPIRIT ZONE NIGHT」「Flying Rhino Festival」など数多くのパーティに独自のスタイルで携わっている。メインアクティビティとするDJでは、過去に「渚音楽祭」「春風」「いのちの祭り」「RAINBOW」「Mother」「Space Gathering」「Dommune」等でプレイ。全国各地のシークレットパーティからフェスティバル等年間60以上のフロアでDJ YUTAを表現し続け、海外での経験も着実に重ねており、メキシコ、インド(ゴア)「Matsuri Digital 」、タイ(パンガン)「Shiva Moon」「BlackMoon After」、イスラエル「Psilosiva」、オーストラリア「Eclipse Festival」、ドイツ「VUUV FESTIVAL」、ルーマニア「Transylvania Calling」、ベルギー「Nova’s Incident」に出演を果たしている。2015年3月、自身がコンパイルする「Nu Goa from Japan Vol’2」をリリースし、シーンに新しい提案となるであろうコラボレーション楽曲やアルバム、リミックス等をAsteroidnos aka Makioと制作、今現在も次のコンピレーションアルバムのリリースのために楽曲を製作中。アジアでの一人旅をきっかけに自分の感性を信じ、人生=サイケデリックと悟り意識改革をコンセプトとした活動を続ける。
DJ Yuta is a key person in the recent Japanese Goa/Psychedelic trance scene and has sparked the Goa Trance revival of Japan. With his career starting in 2004, Yuta is not only a DJ, but also also well-known as an organizer and booking manager of many top trance parties in Japan.As a DJ, Yuta’s style focuses on Goa Trance and Goa Techno, and he is very active in the scene,performing energetically at everything from big-name festivals to underground parties. In addition to his regular appearances in Japan, Yuta has played in Mexico at “India/Goa Matsuri Digital”, in Koh Phangan, Thailand at “Shiva Moon” & “BlackMoon After”, in Israel at “Psilosiva”, in Australia at “Eclipse Festival”, in Germany at the legendary “VUUV Festival”, in Romania at “Transylvania Calling”, and in Belgium at “Nova’s Incident”. Yuta’s stable and unique DJ style has received positive feedback from the local and international party crowd.In addition to being the core organizer of the monster party “Mind of Vision,” which is created with the next generation of the psychedelic party crowd, he also works alongside the great DJ Tsuyoshi at Matsuri Digital to deliver the “Nu Goa Sounds” from Japan to the world. Yuta presides over the party “Vortex” with the legendary Masa to pursue the original Goa sound that transcends genres.Recently Yuta produced the trance stage in Japan’s representative festivals “Nagisa Music Festival” and “Hadra Festival in Japan”, in addition to bringing his psychedelic style to other events such as ”Re:birth”, “SPIRIT ZONE NIGHT”, and “Flying Rhino Festival”.In February 2015 Yuta is releasing a compilation album “Nu GOA from Japan Vol.2”, in addition to making tracks and remixes with Asteroidnos aka Makio, bringing a few influx of energy to the scene.Having travelled alone in Asia and reached the realization that “Life = psychedelic”, he is on a mission to continue his work with the concept of “reforming consciousness”.