Tokyo Style Co.,

渋谷のCLUBを中心に活動し、幾つものコンピCDリリース、REMIX楽曲を手掛け、代表曲に「ASS UP」「Hevenly Star」などがあり、「ASS UP」はZIP-FM洋楽ランキング2週連続1位、全国のDJリクエスト楽曲1位を獲得。国内最大級の野外イベント『渚音楽祭』に出演し、クラブ情報雑誌"LOUD"にて年国内人気DJ TOP50にノミネートを果たす。 自身のユニット"LADY BiRD”を立ち上げ、『itunesダンスチャート』『レコ直』など幾つもの配信サイトで1位を獲得するなど、J-POP×CLUB MUSICで話題を呼んだ。 また、日本テレビ『歌スタ』にウタイビトハンターとしてレギュラー出演を果たすなど、クラブDJの枠を超えた活動で一躍脚光を浴びた。現在は、T2 Shibuya -International Restaurant-のメインDJとして活動中。

DJ TEN is a mainstay on the Shibuya club circuit and with several CD compilations under his belt, he also is a dab hand at remixes too with such releases as `HEAVENLY STAR` and `ASS UP` to his name. The latter was ranked no.1 on ZIP FM for 2 weeks in a row and was in every DJs box throughout Japan!! Also appearing at last years NAGISA MUSIC FESTIVAL he is ranked in the DJ TOP 50 for LOUD MAGAZINE. He has recently launched his own unit named LADY BIRD which has releases on REKOCYOKU and ITUNES with regular support from J-POPxCLUB MUSIC. DJ TEN also appears regularly as UTAIBITO HUNTER on UTASTA JAPAN TV and is a substantial personality in his own right... and is now the main DJ at Tokyo`s premium nightspot T2!!