
ブリストル出身の若きGrimeプロデューサーであるHi5Ghostは同じくブリストルの雄、KAHN&NEEK主催のレーベルBandulu Recordsからリリースされたキラーチューン『Kung Fu Kickでいきなりフロアに躍り出たかつ、決定的に位置づけたのは2014年のOUTLOOK JAPAN LAUNCHに出演したP MONEYの最新originetors EPでジャパンツアーの思い出をスピットしたチューンが局地的大ヒットをひきおこしたのである。


Hailing from Bristol city hi5ghost appeared on peoples radar after making the dance floor killah Kung Fu Kick which was then later released on Kahn and Neek’s Bandulu Records with a mighty remix from themselves to top it off. Additionally it was later to be featured on P Moneys’s originators E.P.

Since then with regular support from the pair plus Royal-T, Spooky, Young Echo and Commodo Hi5ghost has been able to maintain hype with regular mixes for various blogs and events and his most recent release with trends Duppymaker which came out mid last yearon his own label Paper Cranes.



Kung Fu Kick - Hi5 Ghost



P Money - Karate Kid


Kahn, Neek Hi5 Ghost and Boofy (BANDULU RECS) grime set in The Lab LDN