RINACO (English below) 韓国/ネイティヴ アメリカン/日本 3ヶ国の血が混ざる大阪出身のりなこ。モデルとして海外でも働く彼女のDJセットにはいつも独特な彼女ならではのアップテンポでグローバルでエネルギッシュな大阪ヴァイブスを感じます。

 Japanese/ Korean / Native American, RINACO hails from Osaka. As a dj her skill and selection has been known to impress fashion and music lovers alike. Working as a dj, and fashion model, who previously was a dancer, she has not only talent behind on the decks but also a great presence and intuition to get crowds dancing. RINACO's modelling carreer has taken her across the globe, also having DJ'd in Los Angeles and Toronto, she has a good feel for how to inject an international flavour into her sets.