幼少期はドバイとシドニーで育ち、訪れた国は30カ国以上、多国籍な音楽に触れて生活をする。クラシックピアノ、クラシックギターを習い、NY、ヨーロッパ、TOKYOをはじめ、数々のClubを廻り感性を磨いて半生を送る。各国で出会ったDJから手ほどきを受け、2014年DJ活動を開始。活動開始からわずか1年半弱で、VISION、WOMB、ARC、Club Asia、 Lounge NEO、FLAME TOKYOのメインフロアDJとしてデビュー。その他ageHa、ELETOKYOなど都内大箱クラブなど、2016年に入ってからのGIGの数は優に70を超える。SHOWTEK、TUJAMO、Swanky Tunes、The Cube Guys、GTA、Adrian Hour、Mat.Joe、Atmozfears、Crazibiza、Norman Doray、Max Vangeli、Manuel Delamare等世界を代表するアーティストとの共演を経て、HOUSEを中心にHOP-HOPやDISCO、ラテン、ROCK、FUNKなど様々な要素を垣間見せながら疾走するJackin House、Funky Disco、Garage Houseを得意とする。「気持ちが伝わってきました」とお客さんに言わせるほど、常に心のこもったプレイスタイルでフロアを盛り上げる。

As a female artist, KITKUT, she grew up and spent her childhood in Dobai and Sydney. She has played the classical piano and the classical guitar As she explored and touched in multicultural music, she traveled and visited more than 30 countries. Through NY and Tokyo nightclub scene KITKUT has improved and polished her DJ skills and cultivate her taste.Since 2014 KITKUT has started DJ with her proactive approach and dynamic, passionate DJ on stage. To this day, she is constantly challenging herself and is representing the girls in the street scene.She plays her DJ at VISION, WOMB, ARC, Club Asia, Lounge NEO and FLAME TOKYO, which are popular Japanese nightclubs. For more KITKUT also played DJ at ageHa and ELETOKYO, which are the biggest and famous nightclubs in Tokyo. KITKUT has featured with the world top artists such as SHOWTEK, Swanky Tunes, The Cube Guys, Mat.Joe, GTA, Adrian Hour, Atmozfears, Crazibiza, Norman Doray, Max Vangeli, and Manuel Delamare. KITKUT is mainly into HOUSE music and HOP-HOP, but also mix of DISCO, Latin, ROCK, and FUNK. Her DJ has in it some of the elements of funky Disco, Garage House and Jackin House.Every Wednesday She organized the event “Blue Mountain” at Lounge Music Bar at Fai Aoyama. Her activity is continuously expanding and she plays at reception parties and some companies’ release parties.