Marcus Henriksson aka Minilogue, Son Kite, No

Home Records

デビュー以来長い間、ライブアクト・DJとして世界中のオーディエンスを魅了している MARCUS HENRIKSSON。日本にもSTARGATE、LABYRINTH等でで何度となく来日しその都度大きな反響を呼んできた北欧トランスシーンの確立に影響を与えた一人である。盟友 Sebastian Mullaert とともにMinilogue/Son Kiteとして成功を収め、Cocoon, Mule and Wagon Repairなどの名門レーベルからリリースした作品人気を博しシーンに影響を与えたが、現在は活動を休止。現在はソロとして、音を通じ自己とのつながりを大切にしながら曲作りを行い、  Home Recordsの運営するなど、 スウェーデンの南端の街、マルメから車で約一時間の深い森の中のスタジオで大地と宇宙の波動が融合したかのようなスピリチュアルでオーガ ニックかつシリアスな世界観を体感させる音楽を生み出している。常にMarcus本人が初めて体感した野外パーティーでの衝撃を、という考えを軸とするDJセットは緻密に考えられたストーリーをもち魔法のようでありトランス体験ができるセットであるといえよう。


Marcus Henriksson  aka Minilogue, Son Kite, Nobody Home (Home Records)Along side his 20 year musical career; Marcus follows and propagates a path of spiritual development and healing by means of yoga, meditation and eheogens, and he has always allowed the brain cleansing and soul soothing effects of this journey to bleed over
into his production. At the same time, he has been living in his own forest studio deep in the woods an hour away from Malmo, so it’s no wonder his sounds are so organic and spiritual.Marcus has achieved a lot before now, most notably as Minilogue alongside Sebastian Mullaert. Although that project is now dormant after releases on labels like Cocoon, Mule and Wagon Repair, it still gets together to play live. The pair’s other collaborative effort, Son Kite, is still active however, and remains a foremost psychedelic trance act.Now largely back to working solo, the multi-discipline creator that is Marcus is back on his mission of creating a psychedelic ritual and taking listeners on a journey by using their communal gathering and his music as a vehicle to carry audiences past their own fears and
limitations. Marcus believes we can connect to something greater that lies beyond our ordinary life and perception, and if we really let go of everything, even letting go of the sense of "I", we might connect to our true self.”Releasing his music on his own label Home Records. As a DJ, Marcus always taps into his first rave experiences, where he was won over by musical journeys long into the night, but also deep into himself. Because of that, he now likes to build connections with his dancefloor and considers every festival and club he headlines as a sacred and holy experience, which always plays out in the magic of his music as it unfolds through supple dub, heady techno, intensely smooth rhythms and mind altering ideals. Aiming to lock listeners into a trance by whatever means he can, Marcus
Henriksson is a modern day musical magician.

