
Geck-Oは冒険的なDJ、プロデューサーで、ハードなダンスミュージックを創造的にミックスしている。彼はハードスタイルの音楽を背景に、インスピレーション導かれるまま、音の境界を探求し、大胆に交差させる。Geck-Oが目指すのは、さまざまな音楽的色彩、テクスチャ、風景を楽しめる音楽であり、彼のエネルギッシュですがすがしい独自のスタイルは、今日まで数多くのフォロワーを獲得している。Defqon.1(オランダ&オーストラリア)、トゥモローランドとダンスバレー、Freaqshow、Hard Bass、QULTなどの室内イベントへ出演を重ねるGeck-Oのプロダクションとステージパフォーマンスは、強烈で、神秘的で、先進的で強力。分類が不可能なほど多彩なディスコグラフィーには、「What's We Are」「Wappie Love」「Ask Yourself」「Soul Train」「A New Wave」などの作品を見ることができ。それぞれがユニークな雰囲気と感情を持っている。更に、彼自身のコンセプトThe Funky Catを立ち上げ、毎月のQダンスラジオでのショーを主催し、パーティーのオーガナイズにも取り組んでいる。Geck-Oの音楽は、感情を刺激する体験となる。

Geck-o is an adventurous DJ and producer, standing for a creative blend of harder dance genres.With a background in hardstyle music, he strives to thoroughly explore the boundaries of the sound and boldly crosses them whenever inspiration takes over. Though many may find themselves slightly confused at first, it’s Geck-o’s goal to take them on a journey through various musical colors, textures and landscapes, and welcome them into his world of creativity. His energetic and refreshing signature style has gained numerous followers to this day and will continue to seduce more souls in the future.Both Geck-o’s productions and on stage performances can be described as intense, mysterious, progressive and powerful. In a versatile discography that is impossible to capture and categorize, you will find creations like It’s What We Are, Wappie Love, Ask Yourself, Soul Train and his album A New Wave; each with a unique vibe and feeling, though recognizable in their core. You may have witnessed him playing at festivals like Defqon.1 (The Netherlands & Australia), Tomorrowland and Dance Valley or at indoor events like Freaqshow, Hard Bass and QULT. Building on the dedicated following he has formed leading the QULT movement, he has launched his own concept The Funky Cat, hosting its monthly show at Q-dance Radio and throwing parties for the lovers of the sound, going from experimental house to subground and harder.Each musical ride Geck-o invites you on is an experience in itself, so allow him to stimulate your senses.