ワールドの仕掛けた、ザ・リッツカールトン大阪での超VIPなカウントダウン・パーティー"WORLDOUT"でも、新たな年代となる2010年の幕開けをゴージャスに飾ってくれた大沢伸一。昨年はヨーロッパ各国にアメリカ、アジア圏も…と飛び回っていたが、そのアグレッシヴなプレイは海外でも大評判だったよう。京都ではお馴染み感はあるけれど、やっぱり世界標準のDJなのだと再認識。エレクトロにハウス、ミニマル、そのときどきのダンス・ミュージックのトレンドを抜群の嗅覚で取り入れ、見事に大沢カラーとしてアウトプットする、そのセンスには脱帽するばかりだ。それに、あの爆発力。オーディエンスを煽りながらド派手に迎えるあの瞬間なんてもう。声が嗄れるほど叫ぶ人、もみくちゃになりながら飛び跳ねる人、どこまでも満面の笑顔、笑顔なもんで。サタデー・ナイトは、やっぱこうでなくっちゃね! (中谷琢弥, ライター)
With the incredibly "VIP" countdown party that was held at the RITZ-CARLTON Hotel in Osaka, WORLD is bringing about a new decade of decadent dance in 2010 with the help of SHINICHI OSAWA! With his aggressive style, he gigged all over ASIA, North America, and various countries in Europe last year alone, all to great praise!! Most in Kyoto already know this, but consider this a chance to reconfirm that he is without doubt a world-class DJ!! His sense is unparalleled!! Going from electro house, and house, to minimal and sometimes even "dance" music… maybe it's just his sense of smell. And the output? Well he always manages to put his own color on the music! And with a bang! He really smashes the audience; and moves them with gaudy blasts! You'll go crazy, jumping and screaming until you go hoarse, but smiling all the while!! This is what Saturday nights are supposed to be!
Writer. Takuya Nakatani
Translated by John Gatewood II