毎回、平日にも関わらず多くのクラウドでフロアが一杯になるこのパーティー。HEDONIST'S SAMBHALA (快楽主義者達の楽園)という名の通り心の欲するままに純粋に楽しみ抜く事をテーマに掲げアーティストそれぞれが自分の描く楽園を演出する。都内で活躍するアーティスト達による、一夜をぜひ体感してください。
The floor becomes full of people every time in this party in spite of weekday. To the name HEDONIST’S SAMBHALA, which means the paradise of epicureans, each people seeks own paradise under the theme of enjoying the moment to the full as you want. Artists who perform brilliantly in
Tokyo scene will make this very evening. Be there!