Something In The Sky

Something In The SkyはJeff Millsによるオーディオビジュアル・プロジェクトおよびパフォーマンス。幅広いUFOに関する目撃情報、その証拠、証言をもとにUFOとの遭遇を具現 化する。Jeff Millsによる音楽 はこの企画

Something In The Sky is a music and film project and performance created by Jeff Mills. It deals with bringing forth extensive UFO evidence, claims and eyewitnesses of such encounters with authentic footages and photographs taken by those who have claimed to experience them. Music created and performed by Jeff Mills exclusively for this project and touring these cities soon.

 -ジェフ・ミルズ -

Techno Music has become an unstoppable force that harnesses our instinctive need to explore the mental and psychological conditions of humans in the future, while maintaining a focused and persistent agenda for capturing the movements of people in their "here and now". For many years, one of the roles of Techno Music has been as a silent partner, invested into in a culture that thrives on the escalation and prominence of a dream that tomorrow brings new chances. This Utopian Dream is by no means, a new one, nor does it escort the idea that each of us must play a role. What it does imply is that a common thread, perhaps the strongest of all woven intersections represents a directional course towards reaching a level of human consciousness that most Music genres, and for even other art forms could never achieve. Through the act of hearing, we began to see the world around us more clearly. More profound. Not only has Techno Music infected the minds that might well be the creative forces that not only turns that pages in the story of Dance Music, but also, turns the pages in alternative ways that represent a common belief that this genre was built and structured for Tomorrow.
 -Jeff Mills -