cold shut down→warm open up
Flea Market
Amigo Gunshot Crew
Avgvst Artists
Iinomedia pro
Phantom Gate WikiLeaks
We would like to offer our deepest condolences to the people who were effected by the earthquake in eastern Japan. Everyone has been thinking about the matter seriously as to what we can all do now for the people in the disaster area. As one step, AVGVST will hold a flea market with the Shibuya rhythm cafe to collect money for the effected people as charity. It may not be such a big action, however any small actions will be the beginning of a bigger motivating force. We will send the proceeds to the area that has been struck by the earthquake. We are hoping that as many people as possible will lend a hand to this project. Thank you
for your cooperation.
東日本関東震災にて被災された方々へ、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。先日の東日本関東震災、福島原発の影響を深く受け止め、被災地の人々の為に 今、私たち並びに各アーティストができることとして、ひとりひとりのactionは決して大きくないけれど、小さな積み重ねは大きな流れとなります。
AVGVSTでは被災した人々への義援金を募る1歩として、渋谷にあるrhythm cafeのご協力を頂き、フリーマーケットを開催致します。尚、このたびの売上を全額、義援金として寄付いたします。何方でも、一人でも多くの方のご参加、お立寄りをお待ち申し上げております。
If you can lend a hand to this project, please bring your goods to
avgvst by 7th(thu) Apr.
商品ご提供可能な方々には、大変お手数ですがなるべく4/7(木)迄にAVGVSTにご用意頂けるようお願い申し上げます。なお、当日持ち込みも お待ちしております。
Please bring your own bag
AVGVST International
President Peter Ryan & All Staff
information 03-5785-3393