"Enter the Labyrinth"

今年も9/17~19日の3日間、Labyrinth2011が決定した。そしてLabyrinth2011を記念して、プレ・パーティー"Enter the Labyrinth"を5/3に代官山UNITにて開催!
ゲストには今やLabyrinthの顔とも言えるPeter Van Hoesen、そして2009年にLabyrinthに初出演を果たしたEric Cloutierが登場。Peterは4時間のロングセットに加え、自身のレーベルTime To Expressのグラフィックを使ったビジュアル・ショーケースも披露してくれる。PeterとEricの2人による贅沢な一夜を心ゆくまで堪能して欲しい。

This year’s Labyrinth will take place in Naeba, Niigata on September 17-19. To celebrate the coming of Labyrinth 2011, we are doing a pre-party at Unit on May 3rd, “Enter the Labyrinth”. For this event, we’ve invited two good friends to join us. Headlining is Peter Van Hoesen, one of the Labyrinth resident dj’s, who will be playing an extended 4-hour dj set, and warming up the night is Eric Cloutier, who played in 2009. Peter Van Hoesen is also preparing a visual showcase for the night that he created with graphics for his label, Time To Express.

●Peter Van Hoesen (Time to Express, Belgium)
現在のテクノシーンをリードするベルギー出身の気鋭プロデューサー/DJ、Peter Van Hoesen。

Peter Van Hoesen is one of the undisputed stars of techno today. One of our favorite dj’s, Peter is a Labyrinth resident who has played at every Labyrinth for the past four years. His dj set to finish the first night was certainly one of the highlights of last year’s festival. Peter’s new style of dj’ing combines technology and techniques borrowed from playing live, which he also excels at. As a producer, he is best known for his stripped-down, abstract, and dark techno productions, but as a dj he combines different genres and decades of dance music. For this event, he is playing an extended 4-hour set which will give him a chance to flex all his musical muscles.

●Eric Cloutier (The Bunker, NYC)
Peter自身がオープニングDJに選んだのが、彼Eric Cloutierだ。2人は今年の初め、New Yorkで行われたThe Bunkerのパーティーで共演。そこでPeterはEricのプレイに非常に感銘を受けたという。「またThe Bunkerの時のようなパーティーを作りたい」というPeterたっての希望により、今回の再共演が実現した。陰りのあるディープハウスやBPMの遅めのテクノを得意とし、またオープニングアクトの重要性を誰よりも理解している。2009年のLabyrinth以来、2度目の来日となる彼のプレイをお見逃しなく。

We let Peter choose the opening dj for this night, and his first choice was Eric Cloutier. Peter and Eric played together at the Bunker party at New York earlier this year, and Peter was so impressed by Eric’s set that night that he wanted one more chance to create a whole evening with him. Eric is a master of playing deeper shades of house and techno at slower tempo’s, around 120 BPM, and understands the art of the warm-up slot as well as any dj out there. Eric played at the Labyrinth 2009, and this will be his first trip back to Japan since then.