Musica Progresiva

2011年5月13日にプログレッシブミュージック限定のパーティ"Musica Progresiva"が渋谷Rubyroomでついに開催。
記念すべき第1回目となる今回は、日本が世界に誇るプログレッシブハウス界の雄、Shingo Nakamuraをゲストとしてお招きしました。

AnjunabeatsのA&RであるJames GrantやJaytechにその才能を認められ、世界中のDJからも広くサポートされている彼の美しいサウンドを心からお楽しみください。

また、J-LOW(CLUB@NICO25)、Kazma(Phonika)、Yasuwo、DJ PHUNKY☆PHRE$HのDJ達が美しいサウンドと強力なグルーブでサポートし、VJのURBAN SOUL RELAX(2E2Lrecordings/CSH4)とnobbienoColorが素敵な夜を演出します。


On 13 May 2011,progressive muysic event "Musica Progresiva" start in Shibuya Rubyroom.
This will be the 1st anniversary, we invite the one of famous progressive house music artist "Shingo Nakamura" as a guest.

The A & R James Grant of Anjunabeats and Jaytech are in recognition of his talent,and Many DJ all over the world are also widely support him.
Please enjoy the beautiful sound of his heart.

In Addition,J-LOW(CLUB@NICO25)、Kazma(Phonika)、Yasuwo and DJ PHUNKY☆PHRE$H will make the beautiful groove and VJ URBAN SOUL RELAX(2E2Lrecordings/CSH4) and nobbienoColor also showcase the amazing night.

Please enjoy the Progresive sound!!

We will donate all sales of this event to people in the Tohoku region Pacific Ocean earthquake victims through the Red Cross of Japan.
We really want to assist and surport them as possible as we can through Music power.
We can provide a donation box, thank you everyone for your warm support.