we dance to donate! tribute to jepang

3.11に東北を襲った大震災、津波、原発事故は甚大な被害をもたらしています。被災された人々や、そのご家族の皆様へは、心よりお見舞申し上げるとともに、誠心誠意の支援活動の中、毎日一進一退の作業をされている多くの方々から、こみ上げる勇気をいただきます。日本は今、先行きの不安な非常事態に直面しています。潜在的には世界経済活動のあり方さえも揺るがすことに、なりかねないこの状況は、次のステップに向かう世代が、現在まで受け継がれてきた文明の利器にリスペクトの気持ちを込め意識し合う時だと思うのです。いま私たちにできることは、被災地への義援金を募り、一刻も早い復興のために、元気な力と笑顔を生む事を目的にしたシンプルなチャリティーだと考え、協力を名乗り出てくれた、club cave bali とインドネシア人の皆様の協力の元、このイベントを開催するに至りました。当日は会場に募金箱を設置するほか、売り上げの一部を「一般財団法人ジャスト・ギビング・ジャパン に送金し、公益社団法人から被災地に寄付いたします。」微力ながらも私たちにできることを、心を込めてやっていきたい。 今だからこそ、ポジティブな姿勢を共有拡散し、その思いを繋げ一つにしていくべきだと声をあげます!

A great earthquake disaster, a tsunami, the nuclear plant accident that attacked Tohoku to Mar.11 bring the serious damage. To people suffered from and the families, we talk about a visit
heartily and, in support activity of the honesty good faith, have courage to come from fluctuate worked many various places every day. Japan faces an uneasy state of emergency of the future now.

We think that this situation that it may be to shake even the ideal method of the world economy activity is time when it be crowded, and a generation to go to for the next step is conscious of a feeling of respect to the convenience which has been inherited to date potentially.

we came to just hold club cave bali and an origin of of the cooperation of Indonesian, this event that it gathered the contributions to the stricken area to be born to us and thought that it was simple charity intended that I laid power and the smile that were cheerful for the revival that was early in a moment, and came forward by cooperation.

Install a collecting box in the meeting place on that day; and of sales "remit general just giving・Japan Foundation, and contribute it to the stricken area from the nonprofit foundation". We want to do that we are good at the pattern that is poor ability heartily. We share positive posture and spread and join the thought together and give a voice to one now when you should do it!

dance for Japan!