ANIMA vol.17

常にクラブシーンの最先端で良質な音、良質なパーティーを提供し続けてきた ANIMAは、より大きな使命を帯びて、


Microcosmos on Saturday May 21st

Everyone, is seeking a REAL underground party scene in Tokyo?
ANIMA, known for one of the best party scene in town, is going to light it up at Microcosmos on Saturday, May 21st.
Come see ANIMA as well as
ETTOO from ANIMA/EDEN. Organizer of ANIMA. Over 10 years DJ skills brings you a big smile and once you feel his sounds, you may hard to stop dancing!!
Ryo Tsutsui from EDEN/WEEKEND WARRIORS. Won the Patagonica DJ contest in 2009. very skillful DJ.
If you have DJ friends around you, you'd notice that many DJ likes his play.
MATSUNAMI from TRI-BUTE / SAW@air. His song selection is always making a splash to everyone at the party.
DJ SWXXX. he'll show up at opening spin. It's a chance to feel his talented DJ skill.
Come feel the energy from 4 of the top performers in Tokyo....Microcosmos on Saturday May 21st.

※Free re-entry.