Girls treat Boys

International model Liv Lo’s brand new event ‘Girls treat Boys’ is the hottest, funnest new event in Tokyo! And we kick it off on her Birthday and with her exclusive debut DJ performance!

Girls treat Boys"を
彼女の誕生日に開催します!! DJパフォーマンスも初披露。

“The evening starts early at 9pm with an intimate, classy, GIRLS ONLY dinner where quality food and wine will be served by handsome male staff. Just the way we like it! At 11 pm the party starts and the boys are let in to find their treats. Every girl has in their possession a 'Girls treat Boys' drink ticket which she must present at the bar for a boy she fancies. Boy's, this is your incentive to drink for free so get mingling and get treated! ;)

9pmからは上品で落ち着いた雰囲気の中、GIRLS ONLYのディナータイム。
ガールズはみんな“Girls treat Boys”ドリンクチケットをもらえるので、それを気

Come get us boys!