Skinni Pants Present - The Garage - The Fourth Chapter

Come celebrate Laurent's Birthday. and the unveiling of "Skinni Stanley " Fixed Gear Bicycle

Kenji Takimi is a true pioneer of the Leftfield/Alternative Disco scene, and his label Crue-l Records has been at the forefront of Japanese alternative music since its inception 19 years ago. Kenji Takimi was one of the first Japanese DJs to collaborate with DJ Harvey and the Idjut Boys and is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the Japanese underground

As a producer, Kenji is best known for his critically-acclaimed work as “Crue-l Grand Orchestra”, as well as remixes for artists such as Hiroshi Fujiwara, Cornelius, A Mountain of One, and countless more. One of Japan’s busiest and most sought-after DJ’s, Kenji has a busy schedule both in Japan and overseas and has performed alongside Andrew Weatherall, Armand Van Helden, DJ Harvey, Theo Parrish, Felix Da Housecat,Idjut Boys, Rub 'n Tug, DJ Alfredo and Optimo amongst many others.

KENJI TAKIMI/瀧見憲司(Luger E-Go/Crue-L)
88年頃よりDJ活動をスタート。03年初のMIX CD『KENJI TAKIMI. THE DJ AT THE GATES OF DAWN-DANCESTONELIVE-』をリリース。多数の海外レーベルにもライセンスされた“CRUE-L GRAND ORCHESTRA”をはじめ、プロデュース作、 CorneliusやA Mountain of Oneなどリミックス作も多数。2007年にはRhythmzoneよりMIX CD『THE DJ AT THE GATES OF DAWN 2』がリリース。“LUGER E-GO”名義での制作活動も。今年設立19周年を迎える、日本を代表するインディペンデント・レーベル、クルーエル主宰でもある。
09年夏にはクロアチアで行われたフェスティヴァル“Electric Elephant”にも出演。2010年5月にはHor
se Meat DiscoやBad Passion Projectを含むUKツアーを敢行。8月にCRUE-L GRAND ORCHESTRA「(You are) More Than Paradise」の18分に及ぶTheo Parrish Translation 12"が、9月末にはNew12""Barbarella"がリリース。2011年には複数のレーベルからRe-Editがリリース、Euroツアーも予定されている。

Photography Installation by - Naoko Maeda and Skinni Pants