今年も9月の15日~17日に、苗場グリーンランドにて"THE LABYRINTH 2012"の開催が決定。それに先立ち、プレパーティー"ENTER THE LABYRINTH 2012"を開催します。
迷宮の入り口、案内人となるのは、我々とも親交の深い、Marcel FenglerとAppleblim。Marcel FenglerはベルリンのBerghainで今や中心人物となり、テクノシーンを語る上で欠かせない存在。一方Appleblimは朋友Shackletonと共にレーベルSkull Discoを、更に現在は自分自身でApple Pipsを展開し、好調なリリースを続けている。

The Labyrinth 2012 takes place at Naeba Greenland September 15-17. On July 13th, we will gather for the festival pre-party, Enter the Labyrinth.
For this year's Enter the Labyrinth, we have invited two good Labyrinth friends to join us: Marcel Fengler and Appleblim. Marcel Fengler is one of the resident dj's of Berlin's Berghain club and one of the central figures in today's techno scene. Appleblim previously ran the Skull Disco label with his friend Shackleton, and now he runs his own label Apple Pips. They will each be playing three-hour sets.
In our minds, Marcel and Appleblim are two of the most forward-thinking and skilled dj's playing today. Expect a diverse night covering the deep side of techno, house, and bass music.