[English follows]
8/4(土)、逗子海岸の最高!!のクラブハウス”BEACH SAIKO!!”にDENITEが再び登場!今回は赤坂の行列や銀座新店オープンのニュースも記憶に新しい”HOOTERS”との、前代未聞のタイアップビーチパーティー!HOOTERSガールがビーチに国内初参戦します!さらにオープニングパーティーを最高に盛り上げてくれた、今注目のフィーメールDJ YUMMYも登場!

DENITE is back to Zushi beach's best club house 'BEACH SAIKO!!' with the world famous HOOTERS girls, and guest DJ YUMMY on August 4th Saturday!

This time DENITE is teaming up with the hottest HOOTERS girls from Tokyo, well known with the long lines at Akasaka Hooters, and newly opened Ginza Hooters, this will be their very first performance at the beach!

Also the rising star female DJ YUMMY who rocked the BEACH SAIKO opening party is back to rock the house again!

Come on down and party with us on the best weekend of the season, with the hottest contents in collaboration, August 4th (Sat) at Zushi BEACH SAIKO!! is the place to be!