LiLiTH "the BIRTHDAY!!!" -the party!!!#15-

LiLiTH の MIO です!2010年から eleven で、Soul Clap や THREE などを呼んでレギュラーパーティを開催してきた LiLiTH が、今回は WOMB で初開催!ということで、ココでちょっと LiLiTH をご紹介。去年は DEISEL、SINGHA とビーチパーティを開催して、それがとにかく大好評!
今年は THE HACIENDA OISO FESTIVAL や渚音楽祭-金環日食ver-のプールステージをオーガナイズした他、 WOMB でも CROSSTOWN REBELS NIGHT などで VIP LOUNGE を担当させて頂きました。
ビーチでもプールでも、インドアでも、とにかく LiLiTH のテーマは「女のコがセクシーに動いちゃう音楽、そしてみんながハッピーで両手を挙げちゃう音楽」!!
そう、HOUSE で DISCO!だけどチャラくなくて、ユルさの中にも、しっかりとしたベースラインのある、セクシーなエレクトロニックミュージック。今回は WOMB をすべて使って、良質で「なう」な音楽をお届けします!当日はワタシのお誕生日でもあるので、皆さん、どうぞ一緒にお祝いしてね!!!

Hello all you Womb lovers out there! This is MIO from LiLiTH!
Since 2010, LiLiTH has regularly been the party to experience at club eleven, been bringing artists such as Soul Slap and THREE...but this time, for the first time in LiLiTH's history we'll be taking over Womb!
So I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce LiLiTH a bit.
After holding a wildly exciting beach party last year with Diesel and Singha, we organized the poolside stages this year at The Hacienda Oiso Festival and Nagisa-Solar Eclipse version as well as the VIP Lounge at Womb's own Crosstown Rebels Night event.
Whether at the beach or pool or indoors, LiLiTH holds true to it's theme "Music that makes the ladies show their sexy moves, happy music that makes everyone raise their hands up high."
Yes, a disco vibe but with house music, no cheesiness, and complete with solid bass-lines embedded deep within the easy grooves of this sexy electronic music.
This time we'll be using all of Womb's floors to bring you the latest and high-quality tunes. And, to top it off, this day is also my birthday, so everyone please come and celebrate together!