代官山AIRで11年目を突入した大人気アンダーグラウンドパーティー"EDEN"が、毎年恒例となった"EDEN BEACH"を今年は"BEACH SAIKO!!"にて開催。
逗子海岸全体のCLOSINGに合わせ、"2012 SUMMER CLOSING PARTY"として、今年最後の夏を締めくくるに相応しいビーチパーティーを青山JAM RENAISSANCEの強力なサポートのもと、"SAIKO!!"なDJ陣で盛り上げます。
2012 LAST SUMMERを"EDEN BEACH"で盛り上がりましょう。


Entering their 11th year at Daikanyama AIR, the one and only underground party “EDEN” is throwing their annual beach party “EDEN BEACH” this year at Zushi’s “BEACH SAIKO!!”

Entitled “2012 SUMMER CLOSING PARTY” and supported by Aoyama BAR JAM RENAISSANCE, this will be the perfect beach party to wrap up your summer shenanigans; spiced up with one of the best DJs from the scene.

For those who are looking for more beats, or can’t miss out on this summer heat, let’s get down and go SAIKO!! This will be the official closing weekend for Zushi beach, so join us for the 2012 SUMMER CLOSING PARTY at EDEN BEACH!

Doors open at 9:00 am
Music starts from 1:00 pm
Come early and chill with us before the music starts!