MNML SSGS session with Silent Servant

今回のSilent Servant来日の東京公演は、Sandwell Districtのサウンド形成のルーツにあると言っても過言ではない80s・ポストパンク・ニューウェーブを中心とした2時間のDJセットを特別にお願いしています。

テクノのベテラン、Silent Servantの普段はなかなかお目にかかれない一面をElevenのラウンジという親密な空間で聞きつつ、きちんと終電で帰れるという贅沢かつ健全な夜を一緒に楽しみましょう!


最近テクノ界でも話題になっているVatican Shadow・PrurientことDominick Fernowのノイズ、インダストリアル、ドローンの名門レーベルHospital Productionsから9月6日リリース予定のSilent Servantのデビューアルバム「Negative Fascination」も待ちきれません!


MNML SSGS is doing a very special evening party with one of our favourite DJs, Silent Servant. This will be his only Tokyo show. To coincide with the release of his debut album, "Negative Fascination", Silent Servant will be doing a 2 hour DJ set of 1980s electronics and post-punk, and whatever he might feel like. This is a very rare opportunity to hear him play the kind of music that has had helped to shape the sound of Sandwell District and related strands of contemporary techno. We are doing the party in the upstairs lounge of Eleven to make for a more intimate atmosphere. This is a great chance to hear some amazing, diverse music and still be able to catch the train home.


20:00 - 21:00 Chris (MNML SSGS)
21:00 - 23:00 Silent Servant (Sandwell District / USA)
23:00 - 24:00 David Dicembre (RA Japan)