ディープテックハウスをキーワードに、Owl、Deptech、Satoshi Fumi、Elektron 等の名義のもと世界レベルで活躍し、注目のリリース曲が絶えない注目の日本人テックハウス・プロデューサー。Satoshi Fumi のレギュラーパーティーが WOMB LOUNGE にて開催決定!レジデントには TROUBLE HOUSE にもレギュラーとして参加している OO-KAZU を加え、都内各所で活躍するアーティストと共にディープテックハウス旋風を巻き起こす! WOMB LOUNGE ならではの密度の高い空間での Satoshi Fumi のプレイは必聴必見。今回は GEST アーティストとして6月にアルバム『UNDERGROUND BUSINESS』を発売した、日本が世界に誇る孤高の Sound Creator、HIDEO KOBAYASHI が登場!平日とは思えない LINE UP で開催されるSENSUAL 1st Anniversary!!グルービーな空間をぜひ体感して欲しい!
SENSUAL 「The Finest Deep Emotion」
Supported by: NEW WORLD RECORDS/Apt. International/OYAIDE
Deep house being the keyword, under names such as Owl, Deptech, Satoshi Fumi, and Elektron, among others, this Japanese tech-house producer experiences undying support with the August release of his second album "Colors," his world-level musical career, and track releases.
Satoshi Fumi's own regular party has made its way to Womb Lounge!
With Trouble House-regular OO-KAZU included as a resident alongside other artists highly active throughout Tokyo, together they will create a whirlwind of deep tech-house!
In the high-density atmosphere of Womb Lounge, Satoshi Fumi's play is must-hear, must-see.
This time as a guest artist, taking the stage will be the very sound creator that Japan can proudly boast of to the rest of the world, Hideo Kobayashi, who just released his album "UNDERGROUND BUSINESS" in June!
With a line-up sure to leave you in disbelief that this is a weekday event, SENSUAL presents its 1st Anniversary! Be sure to come feel the sensation of this groovy space!
SENSUAL 「The Finest Deep Emotion」
Supported by: NEW WORLD RECORDS/Apt. International/OYAIDE/Native Instruments/Vestax