Sublime Records




KEN ISHI Iと YAMA によりスタートを切って以来、15年以上に渡り走り続けてる日本のトップ・テクノパーティー REEL UP が一年半ぶりに WOMB に帰ってくる!
今回は、リッチー・ホーティンのレーベルからリリースを重ね、Minus 脱退後新たに自身のレーベル Items & Things をスタートさせた、人気女性テクノアーティスト MAGDA をスペシャルゲストとして迎える。女性アーティストでありながら、うねりのあるベースが特徴的な楽曲を数多く発表し、その唯一無二のグルーヴは多くの女性ファンからも支持を集めている。
対する KEN ISHII は、今年に入り自身のオリジナルニューアルバム『MUSIC FOR DAYDREAMS』を YAMA のレーベル Sublime Records より発表。続いてマーク・ロンボイとの共作「Taiyo」を彼のレーベルである Systematic よりリリースするなど制作活動に力を入れながら、国内最大級のテクノフェスティバル WIRE12 やフジロックへの出演。そして一ヶ月に渡るヨーロッパツアーなど、デビュー20周年を目前にして、ますます活動的に世界各地を飛び回っている。
意外にも今回の REEL UP で初の顔合せが実現する2人。

Since Ken Ishii and Yama began this party over 15 years ago, REEL UP has kept running as Japan's top techno party and makes it's first return to WOMB in a year and a half!
This time, with numerous releases under Richie Hawtin's label, and having started up her own label "Items & Things" after leaving Minus, popular female techno artist Magda will be welcomed as the special guest artist! As a female artist, her sound is characterized by the swelling bass sounds in many of the tracks she has released, and in creating this unique groove she also gathers strong support from a large number of female fans as well.
Facing off with her will be Ken Ishii, who, at the beginning of this year, released his new original album "Music for Daydreams" via Yama's label Sublime Records. Even as he continued putting some muscle into his production works, including a collaboration with Marc Romboy called "Taiyo" released on his label Systematic, he also performed at the largest techno festival in Japan "WIRE '12" and the Fuji Rock festival. With further activities such as his one-month tour across Europe and with the eve of the 20th anniversary of his debut as an artist in sight, he is taking on an increasingly dynamic role across all corners of the world.
Surprisingly, this edition of REEL UP is the first time these two will meet face-to-face.
With these two world-class artists appearing together, make no mistake that all of the attention will be on this evening as observers intently wait to see what kind of reaction these two will cause when placed together.
Like each and every time, the level of energy that will arise from the floor will seem worthy of a Guinness World Record. Most certainly, we would like you to come and experience this energy together with us.

켄 이시(KEN ISHII)와 야마(YAMA)가 시작 한 이후 15 년 이상 계속해서 사랑 받는 일본의 톱 클래스 테크노 파티인 "REEL UP"이 어언 일년 반 만에 클럽 WOMB에 돌아온다!
이번에는 리치 호팅의 레코드레이블에서 경험을 쌓고 "Minus"탈퇴 후 새롭게 자신의 레이블"Items & Things"를 시작 한, 유명한 테크노아티스트 "MAGDA"를 스페셜 게스트로 초대했다.MAGDA는 여성 아티스트임에도 격정적으로 물결치는 음색이 매력적인 곡들을 다수 발표 했으며,그러한 그녀만의 유일무이한 그루브는 두터운 여성 팬층을 확보하고 있다.
 또한 켄 이시(KEN ISHII)는 올해 들어 자신의 오리지널 새 앨범 "MUSIC FOR DAYDREAMS"를야마(YAMA)의 레코드회사인 "Sublime Records"에서 발표. 이어 마크 론보이와의 콜라보레이션"Taiyo"를 그의 레코드레이블 인 "Systematic"에서 발매하는 등 주로 제작 활동에 주력하였고, 일본 국내 최대의 테크노 페스티벌인 'WIRE12 ", "후지 록 페스티벌'등에 출연. 데뷔 20주년을 앞둔 그는 한달 간에 걸친 유럽 투어 등을 통해 그의 활동무대를 아시아에서 점점 세계 각지로 넓혀가고 있다.

아이러니하게도 이번 REEL UP에서 첫 대면하는 이 둘.
이젠 세계가 인정하는 톱 아티스트들이 어떠한 반향을 불러 일으킬 지 크게 주목을 받게 될 밤이 될 것에는 틀림없다.
매번 뜨거운 스테이지 위를 회오리 치며 돌고 도는 기네스급의 흥분의 바람을 꼭 함께 체감 해 봤으면 한다.