WOMB レジデントパーティー SESSION が11周年を迎える!今回、祝福に駆けつけるアーティストは、ポルトガルの神様といわれ、今までにもアニバーサリーで来日している VIBE が4年ぶりに登場する。驚愕のテクニックと独特の音楽性で世界中のクラウドから”The Magician”と称される彼は、あらゆるジャンルを瞬時にトライバルグルーヴに変えてしまう、まさにマジックショーのようなプレイは、トライバルハウスファンのみならず、多くのクラウドに衝撃を与え彼にしか創り得ないそのグルーブを一度体感するとフロアから抜け出せなくなることを前回の来日時に体験したクラウドにとってはうれしい再来日となった!また、各階では CHAPS クルーが R&B を AK が DEEP HOUSE、TECH HOUSE と様々なジャンルを楽しめるアニバーサリーの空間を楽しんでほしい。また、アニバーサリーを記念して正規料金で11人目、111人目、222人目、333人目m、444人目、555人目に入場したお客様は無料で入場いただけます。

WOMB's resident party SESSION celebrates its 11th anniversary!  This time, our blessed artist, "The God of Portugal" himself, VIBE touches down at WOMB for the first time in 4 years since his previous performance at SESSION's anniversary party. With his surprising technique and unique sense of musicianship, crowds around the world have nicknamed him "The Magician."  As he takes any genre of music and instantly transforms it into a tribal groove, his play style is like watching a magic show, and it enchants not only tribal house fans but also a much larger crowd.  Those who experience his unique groove just once find themselves unable to leave the floor, and those who were lucky enough to see him perform last the last time he was here will be more than pleased with his return this time!  Meanwhile, on other floors the CHAPS crew will bring you R&B while AK will present deep house and tech house, making this anniversary a party where we would like the audience to enjoy many genres of music.  Finally, in commemoration of this anniversary, for customers entering at the normal price, the 11th, 111th, 222nd, 333rd, 444th, and 555th customer will receive FREE entrance!