6月に行われた 1周年から4ヶ月。
Clued up? が再び開催。
メインには今年も FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL への出演を果たした YOGURT & KOYAS を、VIP LOUNGE には Vestax 主催 No Tricks Battle で過去3度の優勝を誇る SHINTARO、それぞれゲストとして招聘。更に FOOD、ART、CREATOR のブースも更に充実。音楽だけでは無い、様々なカルチャーが交錯する1日を体感して欲しい。

4 months have passed since its 1st Anniversary held back in June, but Clued Up? is back! On the main floor will be guest artists YOGURT & KOYAS, who also performed at this year's Fuji Rock Festival, and the VIP Lounge will feature a guest performance by Shintaro, who took the championship for the past 3 times in a row at Vestax's "No Tricks Battle." Furthermore, food, art, and creator booths will also be included to make the experience more complete. We would like you to come and experience this one day of not only music but rather a blend of various different cultural elements.