ゲストアクトに MAD DISCO BROTHERS の SOTARO とファッションイベントから海外まで幅広く活躍する美人アーティスト RUBY 迎える。
メインフロアには爆発的な動員を重ねる渋谷VISIONの人気パーティ"ALIEN RADIO"レジデントの Yuki Tsukinaga、Yoshiki Funatsu、Monat、そして Belrin にて音楽修行をし数々のビッグイベントで活動してきた 7 Takahashi らがラインナップ。また VIP LOUNGE も実力のあるラインナップが揃い見逃せないフロアとなっている。

Artists active across the line of Tokyo's house music scene are gathering here to produce a special and exciting place that will leave you in disbelief that this is all happening on a Sunday afternoon. 
On the main floor are residents from Shibuya club VISION's explosively popular party "ALIEN RADIO," Yuki Tsukinaga, Yoshiki Funatsu, and Taichi Kawahara. The beautiful artist Ruby, whose activities range from fashion events to overseas bookings, as well as 7Takahashi, who was musically trained in Berlin and appeared at many large-scale music events, are also on the roster.  The VIP Lounge as well features a strong line-up not to be missed.