ワールドワイドに広がる ミュージックを軸に、独自のカテゴリーを確立するアーティストをピックアップしていくパーティ PLACT。今回も国内のレーベルからトラックをリリースし、アーティストプロデュース、アートワーク、楽曲提供などマルチな活動をするメンバーのプレイは必見です。弾むグルーヴや、アッパーからディープを自然に展開するのはもちろん、PLACT が紡ぐ人と音楽の接点を是非体感して下さい。
PLACT is the party which revolves around an axis of worldwide music, a party which continues to present an array of artists who have established themselves in their own unique category. This time as well the line-up features must-see performances from members who are releasing tracks on domestic labels, producing for other artists, creating artwork, and receiving offers for musical productions among a multitude of activities in the creative scene. With a bouncy groove, from upper to deep sounds, the flow of evening develops naturally, making PLACT the point of contact where people and music are intertwined. Please come and experience this sensation.