

“Unlimited”はSound bar+で産声をあげた。
このパーティは、ミュージックラバーズ、特にダンスミュージックラバーズのためのパーティであり、Body&Soul, Shelter, deep spaceなどから深い影響を受けている。

DJ K-suke
90年代NYにて、BODY&SOULSHELTERにてDANCE MUSICに衝撃を受けた後にダンスミュージックの真髄を追求し、その後数々のパーティーにてDJとして活躍。
2008年の12月にTimmy RegisfordのパーティにてラウンジDJも担った経験を持つ。
また、世界的にDJ、そしてミュージシャンとして認知されている Joaquin “Joe” Claussell とも親交があり、2010年5月に行われた氏のairでのパーティにて氏と共演したことも記憶に新しい。

DJ Naru
DANCE MUSIC好きが高じて90年代半ばよりレコード店に勤務。
フェイバリットDJであるTIMMY REGISFORD直系の、歌やメロディを大切にしたソウルフルでディープな選曲が持ち味。
彼はDance musicを文化的に理解、尊重し、それを咀嚼したDJプレイであるためダンスフロアに自然と人を集めるパワーがあると評されている。

DJ Kitano
1997年DJ活動開始。多くのワンオフパーティーを経て、2001年にreguler party「connect」をResident DJかつOrganaizerとしてその後2年間主催し、有名無名問わず多くの国内外のDJと競演。
現在は隔月で青山LOOPにて行われている“DEEP TRAP”をレジデントDJとして主宰。

DJ Yuji
Dance Musicの持つパワフルな空間に魅了され、次第に週末の朝をフロアで過ごすようになる。そこで経験した数々のDJ達による情熱的なプレイに刺激を受け2008年に自らもDJを開始。初めてレジデントを持ったパーティー『Unlimited』により音楽の持つ素晴らしさを再確認し、感情的でありながらも気持ちを込めるプレイを持ち味にしている。
現在は渋谷Cafe Apres-midiにてパーティー『harmony』のレジデントDJとして活動をしている。

“Unlimited” was born at Sound bar+ .
This is a party for dance music lovers, truly.
And the party is deeply inspired such as Body&Soul, Shelter, Deep space and so on.
The party has 4DJ’s whose name is Kitano, Naru, K-suke and Yuji.
Also, the concept of the party is “COOL” and WARM”.
“COOL” means the all of DJ’s are seeking and playing “COOL” music beyond the time, era and genre based on house music.
Regarding as “WARM”, it means anybody can join the party.
Even though you just drop in the party without any friends, the staff and the DJ’s very welcome you, why not?
Therefore, the style of the party is home party that anybody can enjoy with so many supreme grooves.
We, unlimited always serve you a space for dancing and enjoying with deep love.

DJ K-suke
He was given some lessons by hip-hop music in the late 80's and then, he began to build his career as a DJ.
In the late 90's, he was inspired by dance music @ Body and Soul and The SHELTER in NYC.
Since then, he has been seeking of the quintessence of dance music and playing DJ at many parties.
In 2008, he has started organizing Unlimted and playing as a resident DJ of the party .
He has been expanding DJ playing based on his motto which is if there is a soul in the music, the genre abosolutely does not matter.
He also has an experience as the lounge DJ of Timmy Regisford's party in 2008 December.
Also, he is a close associate of Joaquin “Joe” Claussell who is one of the biggest key person all of the world as a DJ and musician and played with him @ air in May 2010.

DJ Naru
He had worked at a record shop in the middle of 90's cause his interest for dance music was increased.
After a short while, his expertise in the field of dance music was highly-appraised so he has started DJ playing.
Since then he has been playing mainly regular parties in many clubs such as Space Lab YELLOW, CAVE, module and ROCKWEST based on DEEP HOUSE but regardless of the genre.
His characteristics of music choices are soulful and deep ones that respect the lyrics and the melody, and they are connected to TIMMY REGISFORD who is his favorite DJ.
His DJ has a reputation that he has the power to gather people to the dance floor naturally
because he understands and respects dance music culturally, then he absorbs them as his own DJ playing.

DJ Kitano
Began DJ in 1997 and after 3years experiences of many of one-off parties, hosted a regular party "connect"as a resident DJ and organizer from 2001 to 2003.
While he hosted the party, he played with many of DJ's not only domestic and abroad also pro and amateurs.
His belief is "Needless to say, no matter what kind of music, excellent music is just excellent".
That's why he plays various kind of music based on it more than his own DJ style.
He halted DJ work temporary in 2003.
During the halting, whenever he heard hearsay about great clubs even though small ones, he used go to these clubs so many times and concentrate to absorb the advantages.
Then, he restarted DJ playing in 2008 as one of resident DJ's of Unlimited.
He focuses on expressing the music as one-night story beyond incoming, outgoing and the genre.
Currently, he heads up“DEEP TRAP”as a resident DJ @ LOOP in Aoyama in every second month.

DJ Yuji
He has been fascinated with powerful atmosphere of dance music and then he became to stay in the club till the morning on weekend. He is inspired the passionate play from DJ’s whom he experienced so he started his DJ’s carrier in 2008. He re-confirmed the greatness of music through the “Unlimited” which was his first experience as a resident DJ. His DJ style is emotional and he expresses his feelings playing music.
Nowadays, he is a resident DJ of “Harmony” @ café Apres-midi in Shibuya.