ここから始まる無重力な非日常空間への回遊... 最先端都市 TOKYO を舞台に”音の楽園”を求めた巡航の旅へ出掛けよう。 
世界最高水準を誇るベニュー、WOMB にていち早く日曜の午後というパーティースタイルを提案し展開し、今ここに新たにリニューアルを果たした SPE:CLE' by SPACE CRUSIIN' のディープな音楽と映像を是非とも体感してほしい。

Take off with us as we begin our excursion to an extraordinary zero-gravity space...set against the stage of the ultra-modern city of Tokyo, we shall depart on a cruise to seek out the "Paradise of Sound."  A top-class venue on the worldwide stage, Womb will open early for this Sunday afternoon party.  As the result of a fresh overhaul of the event, deep music and imagery combine at SPE:CLE' by SPACE CRUISIN' for a unique sensation which we would like you to experience.