2010年1月に発足した GRAMMY REFINED 開催毎に進化を遂げ2012年はワンシーズ毎の開催が決定。毎回多大なる盛り上がりを見せている。
VIP LOUNGE FLOOR では良質な TECH HOUSE を中心とした選曲に Fortune-telling タロットブースや VIP スペースを完備。
CONTENS ブースには遊びつかれた空腹を癒す(Green Curry)や Relaxation スペースを完備。開催毎に洗練を増す GRAMMY REFINED の最高の音楽、時間、空間を体験してほしい。

Since its inauguration in January, 2010, GRAMMY REFINED has progressed throughout 2012 as a once-per-season event, offering high-quality sound and an energetic vibe that will leave you in disbelief that this is a Sunday afternoon party.  With the best in worldwide cutting-edge techno sounds, GRAMMY DEFINED delivers top-notch performances.
On the VIP Lounge Floor enjoy a choice selection of quality tech house while also having the chance to get your fortune told at the tarot card booth.  If you've partied a bit too hard and start to feel hungry, grab a bowl of green curry at the food both, or if you just need to chill out, enjoy the relaxation space as well.  
As GRAMMY REFINED edges closer to perfection each time, we would like you to come and experience this supreme music, time, and atmosphere.