HOUSE MUSICを主軸にあらゆるジャンルの音を体感出来る FIESTA (祭の意)が遂に1周年を迎える。WOMB LOUNGE という最高の空間に、都内各所にて活躍中のアーティストが集結。その一人一人がオーディエンスと共に"音の祭り"を創り上げる。酒を飲み交わし、舞い踊り、血気盛んに盛り上がる!そんな誰もが楽しめる熱い夜が今宵始まります!

Revolving around house music at its core, all genres of music can be experienced here at FIESTA, which is celebrating its 1st Anniversary tonight!  In this top-class venue that is WOMB Lounge, artists active in the scene all across Tokyo amass here.  Each one individually creates their own "festival of sounds" with the audience.  Drinking and moving with the music, enjoy a lively and energetic party here!  An evening which anyone can enjoy starts here!