門出の季節となる3月開催はSPRING SPECIALとしてふたりのゲストを招致。都内の様々なベニューでのオーガナイズを務め、海外レーベルからのリリースなどで活躍するSHINTARO.D。先日待望のアルバムをリリースし、海外でのギグなど東京のアンダーグラウンドシーンを牽引しているKIKIORIXをゲストに迎え開催!東京屈指のアーティストが放つエレクトロニックミュージックを体感してほしい。
特典としてレジデント陣のMix CDもプレゼント。さらに20歳の方、3月生まれの方、どちらかに該当する方はエントランスフリーで入場可能です!
MID, the new generation of tech-house party formed in 2012. A SPRING SPECIAL event will be held in March, inviting two guests to launch into the new season. One is always working to organize events at venues around the metropolitan area, as well as actively working to release under foreign labels, SHINTARO.D. And also welcome the guest KIKIORIX, who not only pulls the Tokyo underground scene but abroad as well, and just had his long awaited new album drop a few days ago! We want you to come experience the sensation of electronic music from some of Tokyo's most prominent artists. As a special bonus, you'll also receive a MIX CD of our resident corps. Even better, if you're 20 years old or were born in March, let us know and pay no entrance fee!
clubberia podcasts