The West Azabu House Syndicate

地球上に存在するありとあらゆるハウスミュージックを武器に独自の活動を展開する組織、西麻布ハウス・シンジケートが第三回目の極秘ミーティングを開催!ストックホルム、アムステルダム、ローマのほか2011年にはあのPanoramabarでプレイした経験を持ち、ベルリンを拠点に活動するDSKE、人気パーティーCabaretを主宰しChaosのラウンジを担当する実力派dj Masda、Autoreplyからのリリースが待ち遠しいDJ Pi-ge、リリースしたアルバムが好調のKikiorixがメインフロアに登場。また先日披露したArabesque Greenling名義でのLiveが記憶に新しいGoroがラウンジフロアをプロデュース。霞町交差点付近、西麻布1-10-11 セソーラス西麻布B1/B2。新たな企みの始まり。

Shhh!  We tried to keep it secret, but we just could not hold it in anymore. Mark
a circle around  on Saturday 23rd March because for one night only, The West Azabu House Syndicate will be appearing secretly with four chair men at Tokyo's underground nightclub icon Eleven with the excellent soundsystem.

On the night Japanese "Fantastic four" DSKE, DJ Masda, Kikiorix and DJ PI-GE will be djing as host, first DJ DSKE is Berlin based Japanese DJ who has played at Panorama bar in Berlin for many years and succeeded Europe tour including Stockholm, Amsterdam, Rome, Madrid, Brussels and to name few but for surely with high profile supports from top DJs.

For our second DJ of the event, we welcome Cabaret & Chaos resident DJ Masda to play a special set for the night. DJ Masda has been making his mark on the house/techno music scene over the recent years as Cabaret resident DJ, paving the way at every event for their choice of guest artists such as Daniel Bell, Cassy, ATA etc.

Third DJ from our syndicate is don Kikiorix who has just released his debut album and is on release tour all over Japan now, he also played at Space in Ibiza last summer. Who seems to be going from strength to strength in his performances, without a  doubt he is one of the Tokyo's hardest working DJ.

At the last DJ we introduce is DJ PI-GE, who is danger like a stepping razor. Running Pan records alongside with Ryo Murakami, releasing track from Raum music and has played Panorama bar and Robert Johnson in Germany last year.   Working the crowd from the first ever TRESVIBES parties he knows you intimately and what it takes to get ya shakin.

Remind you, this is a top secret!

The West Azabu House Syndicate