前回、昨年12月にオーガナイザー兼レジデントを務める FUMI による単独ロングセットで、初の東京開催を実現し、平日とは思えない盛り上がりで大反響を呼び、盛大な幕開けを見せた LMIRL。今回は関西の DRUM&BASS 界を支える最重要人物、TOYO を招いての開催。アーティスト活動のみならず、THE STAR FESTIVAL を中心に様々なパーティーやフェスティバルのプロデュース、オーガナイズを手がけ、常に新たな発想を現場にぶつけ、シーンに多大な影響を与えている。TECHNO、HOUSE の FUMI、DRUM&BAS Sの TOYO、異なるジャンルの2人が織り成す世界観は、過去のセオリーを覆す貴重なパーティーとなるであろう。
Last time, LMIRL came in December 2012 to put on its first Tokyo event with a long solo set by Fumi, who serves as both organizer and resident, and the event generated a huge response with an unexpected degree of excitement for a weekday, getting off to a magnificent start. This time they’re putting on an event with the VIP of Kansai’s drum & bass world, Toyo. In addition to his activities as an artist, he has worked on production and organizing for a variety of parties and festivals with a focus on the Star Festival, and he is always bringing out new approaches and has had a strong influence on the scene. With Fumi playing techno and house and Toyo playing drum & bass, the interwoven worldviews of two representatives of different genres are going to upset past theories and make for an amazing party.