今回、TECHVANE MONDAY の記念すべき3周年は1周年の Hiroshi Watanabe a.k.a. Kaito (KOMPAKT/KLIK RECORDS)、2周年の SODEYAMA (ARPA records)に続き、国外ルーマニアから Oliviu (Underground Romanian Sound / EU) をゲストとして迎える。
Wheels EP (including "Wheels' and "Modernity")、Dot One VA (including "OAS" and "Feeling Better Now") を2011年にリリース、毎年発行されるルーマニア・ミュージック・アワード2012年で 「"Best underground club track in Romania in 2011" Nights.Romania Awards」 にノミネートされルーマニアン・ミニマルハウスシーンにおいて最も注目されているアーティストの1人である。
さらに、国内からは世界各国のベニューやロックフェスに至るまで出演し、盟友 KEN ISHII と不定期で開催し昨年15年を迎えたパーティー REEL UP、そして Sublime Records を主宰する YAMA (Sublime Records) を迎え SAIMURA と UCHIDA 等レジデント勢が DEEP SOUNDS で迎え撃つ。海外と国内。

In celebration of the third anniversary of TECHVANE MONDAY, we welcome guests, Hiroshi Watanabe, a.k.a. Kaito, celebrating his first year (KOMPAKT/KLIK RECORDS), SODEYAMA, celebrating his second year (ARPA records), and Oliviu (Underground Romanian Sound / EU), who has come all the way from Romania. An influential artist in the Rumanian minimal house scene, in 2011 he released Wheels EP (including "Wheels' and "Modernity") and Dot One VA (including "OAS" and "Feeling Better Now"), and was nominated for the annual "Best underground club track in Romania in 2011" Nights.Romania Awards. He has also performed at a variety of venues and rock festivals both domestically and abroad, and made a special collaboration with his good friend KEN ISHII for the 15th anniversary of the party REEL UP. He has also worked with YAMA, head of sublime records, and resident talents such as SAIMURA and UCHIDA at DEEP SOUNDS. Domestic and foreign. Veterans and newbies. Experience the sounds made by a fusion of the two.