この夏も電気グルーヴとしてサマーソニックや、また自身としても FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'13 などの大型フェスティバルへ出演が決定している石野卓球のレジデントパーティー STERNE。
今回のゲストは、フランスのディジョン出身でディープハウスシーンの新鋭アーティストである W!LD が、約1年半振りに WOMB へ帰還する!
パリを拠点に CHRIS CARRIER とのユニット "CATWASH" や、同名のレーベル共同運営など、精力的な活動を展開しており、現在世界的にも著名なイビザ DC10 の看板モンスターパーティー CIRCO LOCO のレジデントまで務め、今やフランスのハウスシーンを牽引する存在へと成長を遂げている。
前回の WOMB でのギグも、この CIRCO LOCO への出演によるもので、そのファットかつグルーヴィーなリズムに、クールなうわものを展開するプレイスタイルで、初来日の噂を聞きつけて集まった多くのファン達の度肝を抜いた!
2013年のイビザ DC10 の CIRCO LOCO も既にスタートしており、真夏のイビザグルーヴを東京へ直輸入してくれるであろう W!LD と卓球氏の競演を見逃すな!!

Sterne is the resident party of Takkyu Ishino who is set to appear at big festivals this summer including Summer Sonic as Denki Groove and Fuji Rock Festival ‘13 as himself.
Our guest this time is W!LD, an up-and-coming artist in the deep house scene originally from Dijon, France who will be returning to Womb for the first time in a year a half! Based in Paris, he has put his considerable energy into activities such as the unit Catwash with Chris Carrier as well as joint management of the label by the same name and is currently serving as resident at Circo Loco, the signature monster party at Ibiza’s world-renowned DC10, thus cementing his growth as a driving force in the French house scene today. In his last gig at Womb, based on his performances at Circo Loco, he brought a playing style featuring fat, groovy rhythms with cool stylings on top, blowing away the large contingent of fans who had come after hearing rumors that he would be in Japan for the first time.
With Circo Loco at Ibiza’s DC10 having already begun for 2013, W!LD is going to transport midsummer Ibiza grooves directly to Tokyo, so don’t miss his performance with Takkyu Ishino!!