JADE VISION ~1st Anniversary Special~

毎回エレクトロニックミュージック LOVER が大勢集まり、平日とは思えない盛り上がりをみせる JADE VISION、今回で早くも1周年を迎える!
スペシャルゲストはテクノ、ハウスのシーンで大活躍中の女性アーティスト QP、ドラムンベースをはじめにテクノ、ハウス、ディスコまで幅広い作品を発表している Makoto が再登場。
そして初登場となるアメリカ出身で東京を中心に活動してる Marc Antomattei がインターナショナルなセンスで独特なプレイスタイルを披露。

Thanks to all of you wonderful weeknight party people, JADE VISION has reached it's one-year anniversary, and what better way to celebrate than with an EPIC PARTY at WOMB Lounge? A stellar line-up, stunning decorations, dazzling lasers, free food, and tons of surprises await you all night long!
The line-up features many of the top performers who have graced the decks at Jade Vision over the past year, including special guests QP--one of Tokyo's top underground female Artists-- and internationally renowned artist Makoto performing a house/techno set. Tokyo's international sphere also gets some representation from guest artist Marc Antomattei, who will be gracing the decks at JADE VISION for the first time.
Friendship event NATION will also be lending their support to make this the most EPIC weeknight event of the summer!
Come down and celebrate our 1-year anniversary with us and be part of what is destined to be one of the most legendary parties of this summer!

*Supported by NATION*
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