それ故、88s からは多種多様な表現が生まれる。
3回目の開催を迎える今回は、THE SAMOS、またトラックメイカーとしても活躍中のアーティスト、RAYMOND を SPECIAL GUEST に迎えての開催となる。
今後のシーンを担っていく88s の可能性を是非とも目撃しに来て頂きたい。

The Showa-era, Heisei-era, and the "leeway generation"; those artists born in 1988, have seen a bewildering amount of change which has influenced their creative expression.
The scene at DOUBLE EIGHT, reached an incredible level of excitement at the previous event, and at its opening.
This time round, the event welcomes TAKERU JOHN OTOGURO, who is active within various music scenes, beginning with A level of craziness is expected at this event unthinkable for a weekday.
We hope that you can come and witness the potential of the 88s to influence this scene into the future.