HOW GOOD IT IS! That's Fred P

真夏の WOMB に US アンダーグラウンドシーンの中心人物 Fred P a.k.a Black Jazz Consortium が登場する。
世界中の主要ベニューでオーディエンスを沸かせ、ここ日本でも Labyrinth 等に出演したことからご存知の方も多いだろう。
Jus-Ed の Underground Quality や QU の Strength Music 等からのリリースも高く評価されている彼と共演するのは、
東京を代表するアーティストでありながら、実は WOMB のメインフロアは初めてというSTEREOCiTI に類稀れなセンスと技術を持ち合わせる、hyota.& Chris Akira。
また VIP には1周年を迎え、更なる純粋なエレクトロニックミュージックを追求する可変型モバイルクルー DDD が、WOMB LOUNGE には Ourhouse が参加。

At the height of summer, WOMB introduces Fred P, a.k.a Black Jazz Consortium, a leader in the US underground scene.
The name is probably well-known: he has pumped up audiences at the hottest venues around the world, and even appeared in The Labyrinth festival in Japan.
Appearing along with Fred P, who has been highly-esteemed for releases like those from Jus-Ed’s Underground Quality and QU’s Strength Music, are some of Tokyo’s representative artists: Stereociti, who will actually be appearing on WOMB’s main floor for the first time, and hyota. & Chris Akira, who are known for their unique sense and techniques.
Appearing on the VIP floor will be that ever-changing mobile crew, constantly pursuing a pure electronic music, DDD (they’re also celebrating their one year anniversary); Ourhouse will appear in the WOMB LOUNGE.
It will be a night colored by various generations, and the incredible line-up will make it hard to miss a single floor.
It’s a short summer, but you can make this one night into a memory that you’ll never forget.