Ooooze BEACH vol.8

今年もまた、"Ooooze BEACH"の季節がやって来ました!毎年6-700人以上のお客さんが集まり、本当に素晴らしい盛り上がりを見せています。東京を中心に活動する人気パーティー"Ooooze"による、この夏のベストビーチパーティーが今年も鎌倉・材木座"Day Dreamer's Deck”で大々的に行われます。

ここではもう6回目の開催となる会場の"Day Dreamer's Deck"は、閑静な材木座の一番手前に位置し、開放的で快適なウッドデッキから目の前に広がる海を臨む、素敵なロケーションです。是非一度お店のホームページを見て下さい!

Ooooze BEACHは、本当に音楽が好きで、且つスマートに遊べる人達に集まって欲しいと思っています。DJ陣も、この素晴らしいビーチパーティーにふさわしい最高のメンバーが集まりました。これまで逃してしまっていた人も今年は是非!この夏は材木座で僕たちと一緒に最高の思い出を作りましょう!

Ooooze Beach is Back! One of Tokyo's most exciting parties, Ooooze invites you to this year's best beach party at Zaimokuza, Kamakura "Day Dreamer's Deck"!

This is our 6th time having this party at "Day Dreamer's Deck", a perfect location to feel the ocean and watch the beautiful sunset from their laid-back mellow deck. Check out their website!

We have a very important announcement to make this year: It is becoming increasingly difficult to hold beach parties in this area, including Kamakura. We need to act responsibly to continue to have opportunities to hold events here in the future. PLEASE DISPOSE OF ALL YOUR OWN TRASH IN TRASH BINS AND KEEP QUIET AROUND RESIDENTIAL AREAS. We appreciate your cooperation!

We've got an amazing line-up of DJ's for this blow-out event. If you love music and want to make some special memories of the summer, Ooooze Beach is the place to be! This is definitely an event you don't want to miss, so get ready to join us for the BEST BEACH PARTY OF THE SUMMER!

- Access -
鎌倉駅から徒歩15分、 R134滑川交差点から海に入り左折、鎌倉材木座海岸の一 番手前(西端)の鎌倉よりです。(白いテントが目印)
      or「鎌:12九品寺循環」にて『九品寺』下車、海に出て 右側

15 minutes walk from Kamakura Station. Walk out of the station, go straight across the 1st street, when you reach the main road turn right to Route 134 and keep going south until you hit the beach. Turn left at the Namerigawa River junction in front of the beach (note the Koban) and walk a couple of minutes east along Zaimokuza beach. Look for the white tent on your right to find the Day Dreamer's Deck beach house.
By bus from Kamakura Station:
Take buses "Kama 40: to Zushi St." or "Kama 41: to Kotsubo" and get off at Zaimokuza stop. OR "Kama 12: Kuhonji Junkan" and get off at Kuhonji stop. Go onto the beach and turn right.

台風直撃などでやむを得ず中止する場合などは、Facebook Event Pageにて発表しますので、注意して下さい。
Please check Facebook event page in case of cancelation due to typhoon etc.