6月に2周年を迎え、8月には ageHa BOX でのギグを終えた CLUED UP? が、3ヶ月ぶりに WOMB SUNDAY AFTERNOON で開催される。
1年間を通じて KOYAS の様々な LIVE を提案するメインフロア、今回はゲストに SINSUKE FUJIEDA を招き、セッションを行う。
好評のプロジェクションマッピングを含めた VJ 陣も更なる可能性に挑戦し、サブフロアにも新たな顔ぶれが集まる。

After finishing their gig in ageHa BOX and celebrating their second anniversary in June, CLUED UP? will be coming in August for the first time in 3 months to WOMB SUNDAY AFTERNOON.
SINSUKE FUJIEDA will be invited for a session on the main floor, which has been offering a various lives by KOYAS throughout the past year.
With VJs pushing the boundaries with some well-received projection mapping, a wide array of new faces will be gathered in the sub floor Sound, art, food...Come experience this atmosphere in which a wide variety of elements cross over onto one another.