今年で5回目を迎える世界最大級のナイト・ショッピング・イベント「FASHION'S NIGHT OUT」(ファッションズ・ナイト・アウト)が、2013年9月7日(土)に開催される。US版『VOGUE』の編集長アナ・ウィンターの呼びかけで2009年に始まったFNOは、パリ、ミラノ、ロンドンをはじめ、世界19カ国のVOGUEがグローバルに一致団結し、ファッション業界の活性化と、景気回復の促進を目的として開催する、深夜までショッピングを満喫できるショッピング・イベント。
原宿エリアにあるBAR NEONでもFashion’s Night Out Partyを開催!
フランスよりDJ Bihanをゲストに招待しファッションナイトパーティーに相応しい豪華なラインナップで開催します。
BAR NEONはホームパーティーのような居心地のよい空間でショッピング後のアフターに最適。http://rebirth338.jimdo.com/
Since Vogue Magazine's Fashion's Night Out event will be held close to DJ BAR NEON on September 7th too, I am going to call our event 'Fashion’s Night Out Party'.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
2013 marks the fifth anniversary of the luxurious FASHION'S NIGHT OUT (FNO) night shopping event.
Started in 2009 by the editor of Vogue USA, Anna Wintour, the goal of FNO was to reinvigorate the fashion industry and promote economic recovery through an exclusive night-shopping experience. FNO is currently held jointly in 19 counties, and the Tokyo edition of FNO will be jointly celebrated by merchants located in Omotesando, Aoyma, and Harajuku on September 7th.
In support of this year's Tokyo FNO event participants, Fashion's Night Out Party will be held at BAR NEON. To help us celebrate, we proudly welcome DJ Bihan from France. Additionally, admission will be set at FREE for guests who present a receipt from a merchant participating in this year's Tokyo FNO.
Come join us for a relaxing after shopping experience.
Guest DJ
Bihan is a France-based DJ and beatmaker. Since 2011 He has been hosting “Late Beats”, a bi-monthly radio program where he spins urban beats. After having tracks released on various beats compilation, his first EP “Ocean Lines” dropped in june this year, and received positive press coverage from local and international blogs.
Bihan performed in Argentina, Brazil, United States, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom And France.